Dr. Khaled Khanbari has a PhD in Geology. Université Paris Sud, France. He is Associate Professor at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Sana'a University. Dr. Khanbari is also chairman of Yemen Remote Sensing and GIS Center (YRSGISC). He carries out lectures on following courses: Remote sensing and GIS, Structural Geology and Tectonics, Surveying and Field Geology, Volcanic Activities in Yemen. He was a project manager (2008-2010) of the project "Satellite Image Atlas of the Republic of Yemen". During his work in (YRSGISC), Dr. Khanbari supervised the following projects and studies: Unified Digital Map project of the Republic of Yemen, Yemen Spatial Data Infrasture (YSDI), Urban development in Sana’a City between the years 1973 – 2003, Land-cover change in Wadi Dhar and Wadi Dulah (1999-2002), Environmental impact of the flood disaster in Wadi Hadramout, Hydrological study and evaluating of dams in Sana'a Basin by using RS and GIS techniques, Environmental study of Socotra Island, Estimating total area of mangrove habitats in the Republic of Yemen. Dr. Khanbari worked with "Rural Access Project" as an environmental expert to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for 28 roads in Yemen. Dr. Khanbari has good relationship and experiences on research activities in Geoscience with the French PMCU University. He coordinated one Yemeni-French scientific project YOCMAL which aims to study the geology of Socotra Island and the evolution of the Gulf of Aden. Dr. Khanbari improved his qualification on GIS and Remote Sensing by attending many of local and regional training courses and workshops. He supervised many of final bachelor projects in the fields of GIS, Remote Sensing, Environmental and Engineering Geology. Dr. Khanbari has published more than 20 scientific articles in local and international scientific journals.