Deliverables › Work package 8: Quality plan




D1: Quality-enhanced innovative course materials.

D2: Modern and applicable Geoportal for the collection and sharing of environmental data (emGeo).

D3: Overall quality report.


Quality control group (QCG) takes responsibility of all project activities, processes, deadlines, outputs, etc. continuously. The report of the quality control group will be discussed in the Steering Committee meetings. It should be noted that a part of the management responsibilities of the project coordinator and regional coordinator (LU and UT) is also relevant to the quality control of processes and activities.

Beside QCG and the coordinating institution, responsible person of each participant and partner universities (NTUA, UL, VGTU, IGS, BASU, IKIU, SU, and TU) control the quality of the project activities for 1 day in each month.

Related assumptions and risks

- Students are the main users of the courses, so they need to be satisfied with them.

- Both European and the Middle Eastern students are the users of the developed courses.

- Alumni students are good resources for evaluating the developed courses, since they are aware of the general concepts and can provide useful feedback.

- The partner universities know about emGeo requirements. So they can evaluate emGeo from functional and technical perspectives.

- The stakeholders are the main users of emGeo. They need to be satisfied with it.

- Overall outcomes/outputs of the project need to be evaluated by an external international evaluator.

Small risks might be relevant to:

- Poor language skills of pilot students.

- Poor language skills of stakeholders to evaluate emGeo.